- What is Super-Deformed?
- It's those cute little images you just spent hours stealing from me ^.^ anyway, They show an anime or manga character either like a little child or attributes that express strong emotions, but are deformed, hence the phrase super deformed.
- Who are you?
- I'm just a lowly girl who is insonimic (it's two in the morning right now), slaving over websites for nothing. This is relativly new, since It started yesterday (27/6/99) and It's been going fast except for some minor glitches. I have no adorable link buttons yet, so go back to stealing the pictures.
- Why do you use GIF format only?
- because I'm lazy. Yup, I have one notepad document I use for the image pages html, and its easier to fill in diffrent image names if they're all one format. If you hate gifs, to bad for you. get an image converter. I'm not gonna do anything about it.
- How come the thumbnails won't show up?
- I DON'T KNOW!!! On the first page they'll show up, but the second one you acess is dotted with "x"'s. Theres some glitch in my html that makes it virtually impossible to see the thumbnails of one gallery after you've visited one already. I'm really sorry, and I'm working on it. ah, so my plot for mind control is working...
That's about it for now. Ya'll come back now, y'hear?